How to donate
At SSLC, donations of any amount are always appreciated and welcome. Accessible Hope International (AHI) is SSLC's US-based fiscal sponsor. All US donors will receive a tax deductible receipt from AHI for donations through this page.
Donations can also be made via bank transfer directly to the SSLC bank account (USD):
Bank details: KCB Bank Tanzania Ltd. (Arusha Branch)​
Beneficiary Name: Step by Step Learning Centre, SSLC​
Account Number: 3391266074 ​
International SWIFT Code: KCBLTZTZ
Donations in Kind
Below are the ways you can make donations-in-kind to SSLC:
Sponsorships for students for tuition fees and or transport.
Development of Income Generating Projects (IGPs) to provide employment for the adult students: Beadwork; recycling paper, sawdust and charcoal dust to make firebricks; vegetable gardening and Livestock farming of milk cows, goats, fish, chicken and bees.
Epson printer, 3 in one.
Computers for students and staff
TV set for student lessons
Construction of severe students' housing unit
External Drive for backup of data
Camera for documentation
File Cupboard for storage
Electricity plus installation
Clean water plus installation
Rain water harvesting system
Solar power system
Construction of Block 3 for the Adult Program; Therapy/Resource Unit; a School Shop with display of the IGP products and Administration.
For more information on how to donate in kind contact Mrs. Margaret Kenyi (Founder and Executive Director, SSLC)
Phone: +255 754 090 078
Email: sslcse2005@gmail.com